
Jennifer Alexander


Jennifer Alexander

Location astrology | Solar returns

Let’s interpret your astrocartography map together so you can see how key planetary lines affect your experiences and opportunities in different locations around the world.

Let’s explore how to activate key energies for your next year based on your location, so you can find what opportunities await you through a solar return reading.

With 10+ years of experience, my passion is to guide you through your unique astrological signature, through time and place, to activate themes you seek to bring into your life.

Let's navigate your astrological signature together!

Let’s interpret your astrocartography map together so you can see how key planetary lines affect your experiences and opportunities in different locations around the world.

With over 10 years of experience, my passion is to guide you through your unique astrological signature in order to activate particular themes you seek to bring into your life. Let's navigate your astrological possibilities together!

Hi, I'm Jen


Find where you most thrive in the world

Astrocartography focuses on how different locations can influence your life based on your natal chart by mapping the positions of planets at the time of your birth onto a world map.

Each planet's position creates lines on the map, showing where its energy is most potent. 

This will show you where to go to shine in your career, create a happy home, thrive in love, dive deep into your spirituality, or even where to travel.

Using professional software, we will look at the places and themes that are supportive for different areas of your life, considering both the ACG lines, parans, local space lines, and your relocated natal chart.

Solar return

Find what your next year holds

Have you ever wondered if you could ACTUALLY create your birthday wish this year?

A solar return astrological reading is a yearly forecast based on the moment the sun returns to its exact position in the zodiac at the time of your birth.

This event typically occurs around your birthday and marks the beginning of a new astrological year for you.

This reading looks at your planetary positions, transits, and aspects in the solar return chart to provide insights into potential challenges and opportunities for the coming year.

What they are saying...

-Irina H.

The description of my current location is so accurate it's almost unbelievable. I'm very excited to have new perspectives and options to reflect on through the locational reading I received from Jen. 

-Martin S.

Jen gives information in an intuitive, logical, and playful way so that you feel guided to understand the meanings of your chart. I feel very empowered to accept myself so much more now.

-Phil S.

I was looking for guidance and Jen gave me so much more than that. The location reading was so impactful that I ended up traveling for my solar return.  



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i'll be in touch soon!

Thank you!

Without astrology man treads, in the dim twilight of ignorance.

-Luke Dennis Broughton

Without astrology man treads, in the dim twilight of ignorance.

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